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01 The Setting

Since its founding in 1883, the Ashland Public Library has been the cultural hub of our community.

On top of historically providing a wide range of services beyond just books, newspapers, music, and movies, over the past few years, the Ashland Public Library has drastically expanded its services and resources.

02 The Challenge

After a drastic remodel of their physical building, the library needed their brand to align with their new look. They also wanted to educate the community about their new services and resources and show how they’re evolving continually to better serve the county.

“Since its founding in 1883, the Ashland Public Library has been the cultural hub of our community.”

03 Strategy & solution

After sitting down with several of the directors and running them through our discovery process, we got to work. First, we created a photography portfolio for them to use across their marketing efforts.

After a drastic remodel of their physical building, the library needed their brand to align with their new look.

Finally, we created a brand video showcasing the passion library employees bring to their service to the community, along with a new, vibrant website that’s as beautiful as it is user-friendly.

“We created a new, vibrant website that’s as beautiful as it is user-friendly.”

04 The Outcome

Through our partnership, the Ashland Public Library now has a solid foundation upon which to build their ever-expanding list of services and resources for our community.

As they continue to increase their presence locally, they have a cohesive brand image as well as an online hub for the public to explore everything they have to offer. This ensures the Ashland Public Library will continue to be a place to expand minds, discover dreams, connect to new ideas, and inspire lifelong learning long into the future.

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